Antonio Gramsci, Italian (1891-1937) was a leading Marxist thinker. Like Althusser, he discarded economism, persisting on the independence of thoughts from economic determinism. Gramsci also discarded crude materialism, contribution a humanist version of Marxism, which is listening carefully on human subjectivity.
Gramsci used the term to refer to the hegemony of the dominance of one social class over others (eg bourgeois hegemony). This symbolizes not only political and economic control, but also the capability of the dominant class to plan its own way of seeing the world so that those subject to them accommodating him as a "common sense" and "natural." Commentators stress that this implies a willingness and active consent. Common sense proposes Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, is "the way a assistant class lives its subordination" (XGurevitch; p 98).
Nevertheless, dissimilar from Althusser, Gramsci stresses the struggle. He distinguished that "common sense is not something inflexible and stationary, but is continuously being transformed" (Manicas p 63). References to the media in terms of ideological 'site of struggle' are going in the comments of those under the influence of this point of view. Gramsh position associated with the rejection of economism as he saw the struggle for ideological hegemony, as a major factor in the radical change.
Question 2
Rousseau argued that humanity is basically good, but the influence of society led to the corruption of men. He also claimed that some contradictory, that people with the birth of weak and innocent, and thus require guidance and proper education. Without such guidance, the nature of isolated individuals will be irreversibly degraded by the community. Rousseau argued that "Man, totally against birth would be the most misshapen creatures" (Kreeft 96-163). This notion is crucial for Frankenstein: while it is certainly true of the Victor, he believes that the most direct and literal illustration of the nature ...