Persuasive Essay: Childhood Obesity

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Persuasive Essay: Childhood obesity

Childhood Obesity


Childhood obesity is a serious and life threatening medical situation found in children. Obesity is buildup of extra deposits of fats in the children. The childhood obesity has reached to pandemic levels across United States of America. The statistics have shown that Obesity has been tripled in the children from 1980-2004, rising from 5% to 15% (Stoler, 2008). There are several causes associated with the children, who are overweight. Obese children are most likely to carry obesity in their adult life stage (Babooram et al, 2010).

Obesity has lead to several diseases into children. The most common diseases associated with obesity are hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, diabetes and sleeping disorders. Children suffering from obesity also face severe criticism from the society including teasing from the peer groups, rejection from different groups and low self-esteem, which affects the children in the later stages of the life by creating a lifelong damage. Current generation of children is not expected to outlive their parent's age due to obesity and other diseases associated with it (Ayadi & Young, 2006).



Childhood obesity is a serious problem considered in American society. It has serious issues associated with the health crisis in US. 31.7% or every 1 in 3 children are suffering from obesity in US (Stoler, 2008). The prevailing obesity has several links with other form of imbalances that develop simultaneously and affect the children. These imbalances include the serious heart problems and other social and physiological impacts. This has lead to the prediction of obese generation or children having a shorter life span than their parents have, due to serious health implications (Stoler, 2008).


Childhood obesity has serious affects on the health costs expenditure on an individual, along with the threat to life. The average costs involved in a treatment of a obese ...
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