Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Question 1

What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities — and what you have gained from your involvement

Studying psychology is my major and areas of my interest include the exploration in the fields of child, criminal and clinical psychology. It is my strong desire to be aware of the ways and circumstances that lead people to behave in certain ways and all the possible methods that help them out. I am desperate to understand the perceptions and feelings that act behind the action of people who do not wish for seeing any good deed that makes others happy. There are a lot of people who are unable to get by without help and try to rummage around for it in their surroundings. I acquire inspiration from my strength and vigor to support them in being aware of their own selves in such a way that they may be able to bring constructive changes in their lives.

There are a number of primary sources that my passion to emerge in this particular field and that may include my own mutinous stage as a youthful entity, my inspiration and affection for detective fiction, and my judgments and observations that I acquire from other people, in particular with my mother and children. I give substantial importance to the case of my mother due to the fact that she is suffering with depression and emotional issues at present. It looks like as the number of depressed people in Hong Kong is growing and this frequency gives me continuous prompts of the critical situation and importance of my preferred field to study.

Prior to dealing with the subject of psychology as an exchange student in Arkansas, it was my routine to observe and evaluate people whenever I found any avenue of doing this so. When I used to work as a volunteer in a childcare centre, I made a lot of evaluations and observations. I have an outgoing personality in nature which lends me a hand to connect with different people from all strides of life. I can make people relax, laugh and talk whenever they were with me or around me. In my opinion, while counseling people, these skills are important in understanding them and assisting ...
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