Personal And Solid Waste Generation

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Personal and Solid Waste Generation

[Name of the Institute]

Personal and Solid Waste Generation

In this paper, I will consider the measurement of waste I produced in the past week. The project requires establishing a week's record of the production of solid, spoiled food and bodily waste that I have disposed of. The idea of this project is to identify the production of waste by an individual over a period of one year and evaluate the recycling procedures that are available and responsible to reutilize the produced waste in an effective manner. For this project, I have placed separate boxes for separate wastes to categorize the types of waste, which will make it easier to analyze. A description o f the frequent waste volume I produced in the last week consists four categories; food, paper, glass, plastic and metal. On the other hand, the categories for less frequent waste consists of household wastes like; wood, leaves, clothing, lawn clippings etc. finally a measure of approximate human waste I produce during the last week. After the assessment of week's record, I will multiply the results by 52, which is the number of weeks in a year, to get the total of approximate yearly waste I produced. The record of the waste produced by men in a week is as follows: Regular Waste

Paper: At least 2 pages per working day, which gives a total of 10 pages, a week.

Metal: Lunch foils every working day, which gives a total of 5. I also drank 2 soda cans which are also included, giving a total of 7 in a week.

Plastic: disposed of a couple of polythene bags during the last week, and one broken plastic card holder, giving a total of 3.

Glass: 1 glass bottle.

Less Regular Waste

Clothing: Disposed of 1 t-shirt in the last week, while cleaning my closet.

Wood: a wooden baseball bat.

Human Waste

Human Waste: Approximately once a day, which makes it 7 for the week.

Totaling the volume of waste produced in the last week: 10+7+3+1+1+1+7 = 30

Now multiplying the weekly waste with 52, for an approximate yearly waste: 30 × 52 = 1560

Therefore, the approximate volume of waste I produced in a year is 1560.

Waste Recycling

Recycling saves money, raw materials and reduces wastes. Recycling can be done in many ways. Kitchen, garden, and other waste can be recycled into useful material by composting. This process allows natural aerobic bacteria to break down the waste into a blackish soil as structure called compost. Compost is ...
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