P&G Corporate Social Responsibility

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P&G Corporate Social Responsibility


Community as a stakeholder for P&G

A stakeholder of the company consist of all the people, the companies, etc, whose actions will have a direct or indirect impact on the company. The stakeholders of a company also include the people, who are affected by the actions of the company in one way or the other. The stakeholders of P&G, consist of all those people who are impacted by the actions of P&G. The biggest stakeholder for P&G is the community, in which they are operating their business. A successful and prominent company, like P&G, has to function in a thriving, healthy community; this enables P&G to create goodwill for itself in the community on the whole, and also in their employees because their employees are also a part of the community. P&G has been making sure that they serve the community in a way that serves the community in the best way. This action towards the betterment of community has enabled P&G to develop a good and trusted brand name for itself. This thing is helping in running their operations smoothly, and has enabled them to expand or make changes in the way they operates, whenever they think so. They have managed to achieve the tag of a company with universal goodwill.

How P&G give back to Communities around the world?

This act of P&G under comes under the name of corporate social responsibility. The CSR makes the business to return to the society in which they are running their business. The aim of Corporate Social Responsibility is to make the business accept their responsibility towards the community and perform acts for the benefit of the larger community.

To make their return to the different communities around the world, P&G has taken a ...
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