Oxytocin Hormone

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Oxytocin Hormone

Oxytocin Hormone


Oxytocin is a hormone which is released on three different occasions; during childbirth, during nursing a child and during sexual activity in men and women. Oxytocin is also known as “Love Hormone” or “Trust Hormone” or “Goody-Goody Hormone” or “Glue” that is responsible in creating a powerful bond between the women and the other partner. They could either be homosexual or heterosexuals couples or partners. This bond is significantly important in case of child birth and nursing since it develops a fostering atmosphere for the newborn. This hormone is also helpful in keeping a strong relationship between husband and wife as the sex between them needs to be secure and advantageous. This oxytocin bond is likely to enhance the emotional pain when a relationship gets broken in out-of-wedlock scenario. Activity of oxytocin hormone is considered unbiased which gets released to make the bond stronger whether the sexual activity takes place between husband and wife or during the premarital relationship between partners in emerging adulthood.


What is Oxytocin?

By nature, oxytocin is a neuropeptide which is present in mammals as they produce it in various situations. It seems that oxytocin was discovered around 100 years back but has gained importance in the recent times when more and more scientists have started conducting research work on it in order to study its chemical structure and actions in detail. Scientists have so far discovered its role in a number of settings like breastfeeding, autism, sexual arousal, activity and orgasm, altruism all types of community oriented behaviors of an individual in the society. These social behaviors could be good, bad or otherwise in interpersonal perspective. Quantity of oxytocin that is released in a particular situation differs to a greater extent in all mammals. Even in the mammals of the same class undergoing same experiences or feelings, varying levels of oxytocin have been found causing extreme situations as well in which either the levels were found extraordinarily high or absent.

Mode of action of Oxytocin

Plasma half life of oxytocin is about three to five minutes in the human bloodstream in which it gets reduced to 50% of its level in the body (Neumann, 2007). In accordance with APA guidelines, Oxytocin is produced mainly in the hypothalamus and then released into the bloodstream through the pituitary gland or to different parts of the brain and spinal cord where it gets attached to oxytocin receptors (Blanks et al., 2007) to exert its actions in terms of expected behavior and physiology of the person.

The hormone came to the limelight discussions in 1990 when it was found that breastfeeding women are calmer as compared to bottle-feeding mothers when a study was conducted to evaluate their response in certain situations like exercise and physiological stress. However current research has also succeeded in highlighted some of the other important roles of oxytocin. Hormonal levels have been found on the higher side in stressful conditions like social isolation and unhappy relationships.

Functions of Oxytocin

Oxytocin has been found to be associated with trust ...
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