Organizational Management

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Organizational Management

Organizational Management

Ans-1) Based on McClelland's Theory of Motivation Mr. Bill Bailey will support the proposed merger because the theory asserts that, despite of the gender and culture people gave there are three motives behind their actions. These motives include; achievement, affiliation and influence. The motive which drives Mr. Bill is affiliation. The needs of affiliation are illustrated by a longing to be associated and a need to reduce uncertainty. Since, everyone in the team is uncertain whether the merger would turn out be successful or not, Mr. Bailey will ensure that apart from having financial benefits, this merger will also add up to the popularity of the company. Moreover, as both the organization belonged to the same industry, economies of scale can be achieved through this merger. No doubt, he had one concern; however, he supported the idea of the merger to a great deal.

Ans-2) Mr. Parker will convince Mrs. Abravanel based on the expectancy theory. Parker will be using this theory of motivation because it deals with whether a particular situation is attainable or not. Another reason to use this theory is Mrs. Abravanel's opposition to the merger, as stated in her argument that; “Maurice would never take second billing to anyone. He would be hammering the inside of his casket.” By depicting that this step would not harm the company rather it will flourish like never before, Parker can easily convince Mrs. Abravanel to agree on this merger (Baker, 2002).

Ans-3) Before appointed as the General Director, Anne served on the same position for Boston Lyric Opera. During her tenure at Boston Lyric, she successfully get a debt of $450,000 off the company, apart from this, she also built a donation funds and raised the production from one to three. Before joining Boston lyric Opera, she served as ...
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