Importance of matter is very essential to understand, we cannot forget that we lives in such environment which is naturally planned called 'earth' which is foundation of life and development. The environment in human lives changes so the same human modifying their live to fit into such environment. Since being a part of this natural environment human wants to live in this earth with harmony, for the human consistently open up the ways for improvement and maintenance of the environment which nourish and conditions. Our environment possesses some main component such as land, air, water and living things all of these are closely related, development and maintenance of biosphere requires the balance from different ways of life. Alteration in those elements which could be harmful for the balance of ecological environment which can be the reason for damage not only for the environment but also for the human's life and the quality of human's life.
Recent decades there are multiple changes have been done in human environment by means of the functioning economical, social political and cultural conditions which are not the taking the sufficient account of environment. Unsuitable use of natural resources, technology and other harmful preferences which impact on environment adversely. Ministry of Environment of Ontario has also been serving their best for protection of Ontario's environment from the past years. By their rigorous regulations, initiatives, innovative programs, and the selected enforcement, the ministry of environment keep on addressing the issues regarding environment with a very vast level including local, regional also focusing the global effects.
Ministry of Environment accountable for protecting clean and safe air, water and land for healthy communities, not only the protection of Ontario's environment but also for the development of environment in current and upcoming generation of Ontarians.
Occupational Health and Safety legislation works to minimize the problems regarding health and safety come across their workplace also suggesting the useful ways by which these issues can be reduced (Ahsen, Funck, 2001). Ministry of labor was established to enforce and develop the labor legislation, and aim to provide the fair, safe and harmonious place of work which is fundamental for the economic and social interest for the Ontarian's. Main work for the ministry is to set mandate for the health and safety of occupational, responsibilities of employees and their rights, enforcement and communication of standard working place, also approaching to provide the workplace autonomy. As Ministry build up, coordinate and action strategies so that the chances of injuries and illness should be minimize and can make the principles for safety and health training. The strategies made to prevent the labor from hazards at workplace also promote the activities for the betterment of occupational health and safety environment (Ontario Ministry of Labor, 2012).
In below discussion the topic will be covered with their comparison and contrasting the Ministry of labor and Ministry of Environment such as legislation, scope, enforcement, mission, penalties, structure, recent changes, overlaps and the direction in the upcoming ...