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Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Organizational Citizenship Behavior


The topic of Organizational Behavior citizenship has generated a considerable Amount of research over the past ten years. This has derived particularly from industrial and Organizational psychologists. Organizational citizenship has been defined as 'individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization' (Organ, 1988, p.4). This paper discusses the organizational citizenship behavior and why some employees practice it more than others.


Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a term used in the work - and organizational psychology. OCB describes a form of voluntary behavior in the form of additional commitment within the "organization", in which a person works. OCB under a behavior is understood, that lies outside the (labor) contract obligations defined and is therefore not claimable. It is specific for OCB, it goes through the commitment and it is not about opportunistic behavior`, the doer of the expected gains a personal advantage (Nielsen et al, 2009, 555). A simple example is a colleague to come with an opportunity to help, to which the person is not required and expected by the person and nothing in return. Studies on OCB examine, for example, whether OCB work performance of the individuals involved and / or the organizational unit, which takes place on the OCB increases.

The theory of organizational citizenship developed by Organ (1988) is one of most common and widely used theory. Essentially, the behavior organizational citizenship behaviors are defined as individual volunteers not required by the job or the organization. Overall, these behaviors contribute directly or indirectly to the functional efficiency of the organization. Like the good citizen in society, an individual who adopts citizenship behaviors will beyond the regulations or the definition of work just to contribute to the success of the organization. He does not expect a reward for any such behavior. Organ (1988) expanded the concept of OCB by three further categories: courtesy, sportsmanship and civic virtue: Courtesy describes behavior that the emergence preventing problems in the cooperation. Sportsmanship is the Willingness to bear temporary inconvenience and annoyance (Organ, 1988, 34). Civic virtue is with the independent search for information and active participation in decision-making processes described

An important factor influencing voluntary work commitment from the behavior of managers is the so-called transformational leadership style (Nielsen et al, 2009, 555). This includes such exemplary behavior of the ...
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