Observation Report Of Children's Pretend Play Behaviour

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Observation Report of Children's Pretend Play Behaviour

Observation Report of Children's Pretend Play Behaviour


The main purpose of this report is to make an analysis on the pretend play activities of children with different age groups. The children selected for making observations belong to different age groups i.e. 20 months, and three to 7 years. The paper is based on the qualitative research data, and the results will be derived on the basis of observations. The paper reflects the analysis about the play behaviors of the children, and the basic themes which they were conveying in their behaviors. It is also a reflection of the ways through which children make decision about the rules of play.

Background of the Study

As per the clinicians and the theoreticians, that there are different logics behind the fantasy play of children. As per the psychologists, the main rationale and psychology behind the children's fantasy play is to demonstrate their concerns and worries which they are facing in their lives (Bourchier, 2000b). The themes which the children use in their plays can be also an expression of the adaption of children. These plays reflect the actual life of the children. It is a depiction of the experiences and the feelings with which they are going through in their real lives. No matter the play is an act through the dolls or any other medium; it is actually a reflection of their real lives (Bourchier, 2002). There are some variations in the reality of the play, and these variations are based on age and individuals. Children's lines used in the plays depict that they are actually aware of their surroundings. Thus, this paper is the reflection of the psychology behind the children's fantasy plays.

Rationale of the Study

The main rationale behind this study is to understand the basic ideas and logics behind the children's fantasy play. This paper is a reflection of the ways through which children convey the big ideas through their plays.

Literature Review

There is always some psychology behind the children's fantasy plays. Many researchers and psychologists have played a very important role in identifying the basic psychology behind the children's fantasy play (Hadley, 2005). As per the researchers, these plays are basically the depiction of children's real life. Through these plays children actually depict what they experience in their real lives. Among many researchers, Freud was the first one who presented the explanation of the symbolic nature of play. As per Waelder, these fantasy plays are basically the depiction of traumatic experiences of children. As per Peller there are different stages of these plays i.e. identification of the anxieties which they suffering, managing and developing the stages of play, bringing identification of their different anxieties (Fivush, 2003). Children have the anxiety that they are not big; therefore, they fight with each other to be big in the plays. From the plays they gain the satisfaction of acting as the adults. Any brief observation of children engaged in fantasy reveals that much of what children imagine is ...
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