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Growing up in a family with complicated medical histories, I have always known that I wanted to someday devote my life to make a difference in the medical field. That combined with my passion for traveling, I have long dreamed about better helping others with medical needs in under-served parts of the world. Unfortunately at a young age, I was not even able to help save those closest to me. I lost three members of my family: both my grandmothers and my paternal uncle from cancers and liver failure in 2003. It was an especially difficult time as I became very close to each when taking care of them during their last years. As we were under-informed about the course of the diseases at the time, I couldn't help but believe that their situations might have been different had the diseases been caught at earlier stages. Given that medical imaging techniques have proven to be reliable for early detection of cancers and other diseases, I felt that going into the medical imaging field would allow me to help save others and prevent them going through what my family experienced.

I decided to specialize in ultrasound because the high level of interaction with patients would be a good fit for me, given my joy in taking care of others. Although I volunteered and familiarized myself with patient care in hospital settings before enrolling in the ultrasound program at (Y school), I found that directly playing a key role in patients' medical treatments and ultimately their lives was even more rewarding. During my fourth year in the program, I was fortunate to have the opportunity of a full time internship at (Y hospital). As a teaching hospital, the collegial environment encourages everyone to share knowledge and experiences with one another. This made my internship both enjoyable and enlightening, thus reaffirming my aspiration to pursue continuing professional development and education in medicine as well as to provide excellent care for every patient.

I wantt to transfer from college of science to college of nursing because Upon graduation from the program, I obtained a position at (X hospital) as a sonographer in the Radiology Department. During orientation, we had a training speaker who was a Nurse Practitioner. She shared her experience as a bedside critical care nurse with a particular patient, a prominent government official, who felt he had everything he could want or need in life until he was told that he was dying. When first admitted to the hospital, he had friends and family visiting to comfort and support him. However, as time progressed, they became busy with their own lives and he was left with no one except his ever-caring nurse with whom he had built a very close relationship. He told her shortly before he died how grateful he was that he and others in his position had someone who would always be there: a nurse. Looking back to when I helped take care of my grandmothers and uncle, I am happy ...
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