Non Destructive Test

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Non Destructive Test (NDT)

Non Destructive Test (NDT)


Advantages of X-Ray

Useful to make images of internal tissues

X-rays are invisible electromagnetic energy, which is used as a way to get or make images of internal tissues, bones and organs of our body. It is by this process that an expert determines bones of a patient are intact or broken after an accident. Likewise, you can find internal injuries to organs. In addition, X-rays are used to find out whether or not a person has a cancerous tumour. With the increasing technological advances, the dose of the radiation exposure to patients has decreased (

Useful tool in Medicine

X-rays are a type of ionizing emission which can pass through matter. The X-ray technology is a very useful tool in the areas such as medicine, manufacturing industry, science and security. For example, it can be used to observe the fractured bones and swallowed objects, to monitor the blood flow of patients and to check for cavities. In addition, X-rays can be emplyed to diagnose cancer, destroy bacteria in food, analyse flaws in machinery or products, analyze the structure of crystals or distant stars and inspect baggage at airports. Now there were more modern medical devices, which process image digitally. This technique automatically selects the parameters of the human organs to be examined (

Disadvantages of X-Ray

Health risks

The discovery and immediate use of X-rays and radioactive elements, in the late 19th century and early 20th century brought benefits to science and medicine, but also caused damage to several researchers, physicians, patients and others exposed to them. The health risks, even today, may not only be related to the dose of radiation received, but also to misdiagnosis and costs to the health system (

Harmful Penetration Xrays

X-rays are highly energetic and can ionize the material through which they penetrate. The ionization can damage cells or DNA in living organisms. However, when used with care, the advantages of X-rays by far outweigh their risks (

Ultra Sonic

Advantages of Ultra Sonic

There are numerous advantages and benefits of Ultra Sonic. Ultra sonic has therapeutic use in medicine. Phonophoresis is a combining method, in which the influence of ultrasound on tissues and inputs with the help of medicinal substances (like drugs, and natural origin). Conducting materials under the action of ultrasound is due to higher penetration of the epidermis and skin glands, cell membranes and vessel walls to low molecular weight substances, especially bischofite mineral ions. Ultrasound has synergistic effect of therapeutic agents. Ultra sonic treatment is used in the phonophoresis spur, conditions after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, neuritis, neuropathy, radiculitis (Radicular pain), neuralgia, and nerve injury. In addition to wide use in diagnostic purposes, ultrasound is also used in medicine as a remedy. Ultrasound has the following remedial actions: anti-inflammatory, resolving analgesic, antispasmodic, and cavitation increased permeability of the skin (

Disadvantages of Ultra sonic

The texture of the obstacle

It also plays an important role. A wall carpeted reflects less than the wave wall covered with paint only.

The cross-talk

Two ultrasonic sensors cannot be used side by ...
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