New York Crisis

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New York Crisis

New York Crisis

Overview of New York Economy

New York is one of the 50 states of the United States of America, located in the region of the Middle Atlantic country, northeast of it. Its capital is Albany. It is the largest financial and trade of the United States and its major industrial centre. With its 19 million inhabitants, New York is the third most populous state. New York has always been a gateway to the country and represented a great opportunity for people with around the world. Successive waves of immigration have created a fusion of different single crops, putting a special stamp on history the city and its districts. Immigrants helped build the city and its infrastructure work for the city and established companies that have grown into large corporation. Currently, foreigners 43% of the labour force and occupy a variety of positions (Stalter, 2011).

From 2000 to 2008, the number of foreign workers in the city increased by 68% of their salary fees increased by almost 39%, and their contribution of gross domestic product - by 61%. These figures are superior all comparable Indicators indigenous labour force. The future growth of New York will continue to depend on immigration. At the same time Immigration poses new challenges to the city because of the need to ensure fair provision of services and to promote cooperation and understanding between different cultural communities seeking to economic progress.

New York State

New York has something to boast of world-class museums, huge buildings and the magnificent monuments, but what there is to be ashamed, because here there are many unemployed and destitute. This city is different from his other super active, but to experience the taste, you will need to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the city. In the city of so many monumental buildings, it is difficult to determine which one is better, but the best known are considered to be the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. The Museum of Modern Art - one of the most interesting museums in the world, though and the Guggenheim Museums of Natural History is not worse. No matter what you do in this city - the very presence in New York will give you invaluable experience and impressions.

The most important hallmark of New York is its skyscrapers. The major part of Manhattan and many other neighbourhoods in urban areas densely built-up high-rise buildings, but the heaviest concentration falls on the southern and central parts of Manhattan.

New York is located in the northeast United States, the so-called, and the New England region. In general, New York an important link, as among other New England states, and between them and the greater part of the country. The importance of this federal state cannot be overestimated. Until the middle of the twentieth century it was, in general, significant region of America. Only the rapid development of the west coast in recent decades has allowed California to seize the palm in this ...
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