New Headship

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New Headship

New Headship


The title of the report is “Managing New headship Change process in the Primary School work place”. The sector context which the report pertains to is the field of education from the perspective of the management, including the governing body and human resource. The purpose of the report is to analyze various factors which have an impact on the new headship and the reasons which drive the change process in the work place environment of primary schools. The report will also discuss how the school management and administration is affected by the new headship, and what measures are taken to ensure that the new headship works effectively and efficiently for the schools. The report outlines the qualities which are required to be present in the headship for the smooth running of the school's system, and how their learning and development places an impact on the work place environment in primary schools (Piggott-Irvine, 2011, pp. 285).

Change Theorists and Experiential Approach

There are many change theorists who gave theories related to change that are of significant importance when bringing a change in an organisation or an institution is being considered. Kurt Lewin was an important theorist who contributed to the change theory which is best suitable for the situation when new headship is being considered, and it consists of three stages (Edmonds, 2003, pp. 23). In the first stage of 'unfreezing', the school management works to make the school staff realize that they are in need of new headship due to the problems being faced by the school due to old headship. In the second stage of 'movement', the governing body of the school and the human resource management brings about the changes in the headship that are required and introduces new headship. In the third stage of 'refreezing', the school management firmly establishes the new headship so that they become the standard headship body and no further changes are required (Edmonds, 2003, pp. 27).

The experiential approach gives way to learning by the process of engaging people into the desired activity, and thus it allows them to make meaning and learn from direct experience, which is known as learning from experience (Fullan, 2001, pp. 44). The basis of this approach lies in extensive training, and the people who were significant in developing this idea include John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piagent and David Kolb. Experiential approach focuses on experiential learning which is about learning through the reflection of what is done, and thus places emphasis on the learning process of an individual. It is greatly linked to experiential education, and involves issues such as the relationships of teachers and students, which make it appropriate it to be considered when developing new headship (Fullan, 2001, pp. 82). The headship learns to a great extent through their experiences, and thus emphasis should be placed on them doing the activities, rather than just listening to things.


There are many changes which are essential for success when it comes to application and the practice ...
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