Neighborhood Policy

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Neighborhood Policy

Neighborhood Policy

Question 1

Community healthcare concerns are any act or episode that would put at risk or grounds damage to people or family units in the society. In the Neighborhood Situation concerning the Young's family, whose son Marcus has just been hit by a vehicle, which took place because of speeding in the area would be measured a public health issue together with community security issue. Mrs. Young spoke to her congresswoman regarding this matter and had petitioned approved by all in order to have speed bumps fixed in the locality streets in order to decrease speed of vehicles, which could damage as well as put in danger the wellbeing, security and health of populace, particularly kids and young ones in the area.

Question 2

In my opinion, given scenario demonstrates the lawmaking procedure that influences public healthcare in several ways. The lawmaking or governmental procedure decides which kind of rules and regulations would serve the best interest of populace together with community's best wellbeing all the way throughout a mainstream vote. I think that the negative aspect of this procedure is that at time the judgments are crafted from the greater part of voting, which does not advantage and promote wellbeing for the normal society, for example distress mothers in the neighborhood.

Question 3

I am not sure if the Neighborhood Working Group should have acted in a different way. Speed bumpers do decelerate some speeders, but in fact reckless drivers, mainly those in larger means of transportation, can drive just as speedy and just as irresponsibly even when speed bumpers are placed on the roads. I do not have sufficient data to decide whether or not neighboring police force implements the speed regulations, whether there is a record of damages towards kids, or whether speed actually is a dilemma in the locality. Having ...
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