Motivation To Learn Spanish

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Motivation to learn Spanish

Motivation to learn Spanish


Motivation in educational field in how and what students are taught has also led to reform in how students are assessed to determine content knowledge and skills. The base of motivation based on how better the teacher teaching the students, and how good is the outcome of that teaching. This entry provides information on one alternative model of assessment, performance-based assessment, which requires students to demonstrate their level of knowledge and motivation through the actual performance of an activity.

Generally, selected-response tests have been the norm in schools for many years to figure out the level of motivation in students. Formats such as multiple choices, true/false, and matching allowed the teacher to quickly assess student knowledge, with high reliability and objective scoring. This was acceptable for determining a student's factual knowledge, but did not allow for an in-depth analysis of a student's higher-order thinking skills or problem-solving ability, and often did not work well for documenting state standards(Tileston, 2004). A different method of assessment was needed, one that allowed students to demonstrate their knowledge through both the product and the process of developing the product. This led to the use of performance-based assessment.


The purpose of writing this paper is to highlight the different techniques that help to motivate the students in learning Spanish Language in the class. During the recent few years, the world has witnessed a positive trend among the learners of the Spanish language; therefore, the author is of the idea that teaching Spanish language in the schools is the great initiative. However, motivating the students towards the language should be great a challenge. To overcome the challenge of motivation, the author presented some of the techniques for the readers.

Learning Spanish

Learning Spanish showed that one has a specific aim and goal. To motivate the students, it should be the duty of the teacher that while motivating the students to learn Spanish, he/she should focus on three simple rules to motivate the students

Students and teacher attitude should be positive towards achieving the goal. The goal must focus on achieving and accomplishment of the task rather avoiding something. The job of the teacher is to encourage and motivate students that life is full of positive goals and while moving towards achieving these goals is much more filling and fun experience, which creates joyful and pleasant association not only with the goal but also with the fellow members who worked with you on achieving your goal.

Secondly, consider that goal of learning Spanish language is your goal and you want to achieve this goal. Motivate the students to this much extent that they start realizing and considering that they are the one who want to learn Spanish language not the teacher who want that.

Before explain the third rule, the author want that teacher should create a desirable factor in the students life that they should learn Spanish because they want to spend their exciting vacations in Mexico or Spain, while learning the different wonderful things about the Mexican or the Spanish Culture and finding the ...