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The term “morality” covers a wide dimension of human behavior, which investigates our interaction with other human beings. This essay examines a case in which a surgeon performs an “unwanted” operation on a battalion commander to save his soldiers from dying in the battles. It looks into moral implications of his actions and the justifications for using “good end” of morality in the wake of the surgeon's actions. It should be noted that morality requires perfect knowledge of the person to perceive that there is only a moral act, which is the good that presented to the right reason and the will which it operates (Alexander, 2007).


Analysis of Case: Assessing the Moral Position of the Surgeon

This case incites the debate on morality and its implications on human relations. In assessing the moral position of the surgeon, we would say that his action was not justifiable in any aspect. Even when his action could save the life of hundreds of soldiers, he should not have operated on the healthy commander to achieve this motive. On moral grounds, this action is not justifiable even in the wake of saving the lives of hundreds of soldiers. There had to be other ways to tackle with his over-aggressiveness in order to save the soldiers from unnecessary blood sheds. Counseling may be a favorable intervention in this case, and a solution to this problem (Alexander, 2007).

Since, one cannot predict how a person will act in the future; it is unjustifiable to save them. If we were able to see the future, that person can become Hitler or some other dictator who would exercise unjust power and influence. The question then arises whether or not saving such a person is justifiable? On the other hand, that person will still be innocent, and in doing so we will ...
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