Modern Western Civilization

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Modern Western Civilization

Modern Western Civilization


This paper will discuss different aspects of modern western civilization in the context of three prominent books. This books have substantial social importance and have been great enlightening texts of their times. The books are Outwitting the Gestapo by Aubrac Lucie, How we survived communism even we laughed by Slavenka Drakulic and Soul on ice by E. Cleaver.

DiscussionThe modern Western civilization is the period of civilization which begins with the start of the antediluvian age. The peak period of modern western civilization is the nineteenth and twentieth century. In that periodic western civilization as a whole transformed completely in to a different outlook. There are many historians who have made an effort to present the history of western civilization.

Modern Western Civilization in the context of Outwitting the Gestapo by Aubrac Lucie:

The thrilling depiction of experiences of Aubrac when he was a French resistance fighter during a period of Word War II. In the book the outwitting of Gestapo reveals the multidimensional scenario of the Western Civilization in the modern period of time. This book is a memoir which gives the story of the incident which took place in France in the year of 1983. In this incident the France of Klaus Barbie, who is also known as the slaughterer of Lyon was extradite from France. In his book the out witting of Gestapo, Aubrac went with the approach of disapproving the ideas and thoughts which were justifying the harsh acts of Klaus of Barbie.

The books presents a first hand account of Lucie Aubrac's career as French resistance member. She evokes an emoitial connetion with her writers by presenting her tale in an extremely gripping manner.

Her compelling story gives a glimpse of the unique challenges of women in the World War II. They have to go through extreme struggles to balance their different roles of beign a patriot, wife, mother etc.

It is an excellent book that strikes the right combination of being exciting and personal. It demonstrates the different motives behind resistance and perhaps the biggest message that is convyed is that every single person play their part in a struggle. No effort is too small and it is the combined person of all the people that makes the difference. This is evident from the struggles of the author in a quest as big as the world war.

Aubrac presented the modern Western Civilization in such a way that his book gained the title of bestseller in the market. In the period of war Aubrac, Raymond her Jewish husband and one of her fellow resistant publicized different pamphlets and magazines in order re boost the resistance activities. His book outwitting the Gestapo is the serious of effort which can be listed in the work during the high tone of resistance in the World War. The thing which makes it more special is the unmanageable power and ingenuity, and the elegant approach in which she critically shaped the history of modern Western Civilization. (1993)

Modern western civilization in context of How we survived ...
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