Mental Process Paper

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Mental Process Paper

Mental Process Paper


The creative intelligence is a type of intelligence that adds to the originality of the solutions it proposes. It is the ability to see and adapt to new situations and solve them. An individual with creative intelligence is able to use innovative thinking and imagination to find new answers to old questions. These individuals think outside of the box and come up with new and different solutions to old problems. Creative intelligence includes four different styles that explain how individuals learn and view the world. A mental model or mindset is an individual through the process (Stanovich, 2009). In this paper, we are going to compare and contrast the four styles of creative intelligence and their influence on decision making in an organization. In addition, we will discuss how the five forces influence mental models and ways of thinking.

The four styles of creative intelligence are intuition, innovation, imagination, and inspiration. Intuitive style focuses on experiences for decision making. These individuals tend to be hold jobs such as managers, politicians, and actors. Innovative individuals use factual data to make decisions and solve problems (Wind, & Gunther, 2005). Inventors, engineers, and scientists are typically innovative. Imaginative deals with being able to think outside of the box by finding new opportunities. Typically artists, musicians, and writers are imaginative. Inspirational individuals focus on the social aspect of problem solving. These individuals lead by inspiring the group and tend to be educators, leaders, and writers. When examining the four styles of creative intelligence and the five forces of mental models/mind sets, one can see the intense and in depth these concepts are to society, and yet how simple they can be viewed once understand.

When comparing the four styles, the intuitive style responds quickly to operational problems, innovative individuals rely on a considerable amount of information and take time to study and gain insight into problems, imaginative style use value judgments as the basis for their decisions, and the inspirational style are concerned with the welfare of others rather than their own. In an emergency, the intuitive style makes good, quick decisions, but when it comes to understanding the far-reaching effects of certain problems, the imaginative style will generally be more effective (Rowe, 2004). Although each of these styles describes a specific creative intelligence style, a majority of people have more than one creative style. The level of intensity for each style results in a guide for each individual. This approach to creativity expands the possible number of creative intelligence styles. The importance of having many styles of creativity is that one is able to more fully and accurately describe an individual's creative intelligence. Innovation and intuitive are one of the same style of creative intelligence because both of these style rely on past research and experience for making decisions. On the other hand inspirational and imaginative style are similar type of styles because they make decision to create a social change by creative thinking which is called as thinking out ...
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