Mental Models

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Mental Models

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Mental Models


A mental model is the representation of an object or a process in the sense of humans. Since the information regarding sense already exists in the world; thus, the change came in the mental model. In this paper I will compare and contrast how the four mindsets influence organizational decision-making while consecutively discussing how the five forces may influence the mental models and mindsets of a manager. Then I will analyze my workplace mindset and how it affects my decision-making process.

Mental Model

Mental model is the term widely distributed in cognitive psychology (Norman, Johnson-Laird, Lakoff, Nguyen Xuan, etc.). The term usually used to refer to spontaneously emerging patterns of subjective experience. Models are often poorly osoznavaemy difficult verbalized, the knowledge contained in them, and are mediated by contextually retrieved directly through interaction with the object. In the model of a complex and interconnected information is stored on the site of interaction parameters, the situation of interaction, as his figure and cash conversion facility. Distinguished two modes of existence of the model: the model as a data storage unit and the actual model (reflecting the current situation), so the model can be viewed as a structural aspect (especially the organization of experience), and in the aspect of Procedure (especially mainstream knowledge). Model as a unit, in turn, incorporated into larger structures of the organization of experience (naive theories, the image of the world, etc.).

The mental model is a representation of the state of affairs referred to by a phrase or text. So it works as a representative sample taken from the set of all possible models of the sentence or text. The concept been specially developed by Johnson Laird to support a general theory of reasoning and understanding is different from the theory based on formal logic is the theory. In some ways the opposite - that the mind got organized into content-specific rules of inference. Formal-logical theory argues that human reasoning does not work on the meaning of propositions.

Creative Intelligence Model

I would be using creative intelligence as a mental model. This model has been is practiced in the organization.Creative intelligence is defined as one's ability to generate new ideas and solve problems in a drastic way, and the emergence of the centre of your star rallies in your imagination and your ability to solve and produce. Creative intelligence depends on a number of factors can be ...
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