Mass Murderers And Serial Killers: Ted Bundy

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Mass murderers and Serial Killers: Ted Bundy

Mass murderers and Serial Killers: Ted Bundy


Ted Bundy is a famous serial killer Vermont. His main targets were young girls because he perceived them as a sign of taking revenge. First of all, he use to play with the feelings of young girls and then he smartly deceive them by murdering them. There are many aspects of his motivational typology. Some of the important aspects are discussed further.


Motivational typology of multiple murders for the victims of Ted Bundy

To discuss the motivational typology of Ted Bundy of multiple murders for the victims, it is very necessary to know about the unique characters of his personalities. Motivational typology of Bundy was very much known of this strange quality which was very expertly exploited by him by using delicate alterations of facial expressions or changing hairstyle to considerably modify his looks according to nature and personality of a victim. His motivational typology can be dividing into some of the important factors which are discussed further.


The major purpose of Ted Bundy to choose such sort of motivational typology for his victims is to gain power. In the case of Ted Bundy, he seemed as a power thirsty. He wanted to gain power by making young females his victims. Due to his strange nature of attempting murders of young girls he tried to emerge as the symbol of power. To gain the power is the natural instinct of human being. In the case of Ted Bundy, he intended to gain power with keeping the intention of deceiving and murdering young girls.


Ted fell in love with a girl with whole heartedly, and spent some memorable time with that girl. He realized later that a girl to whom she is in love with is not interested in him. That was the most shocking moment for Ted Bundy and turned his feeling in to a totally negative way. He believed that he has to take revenge from all the young girls by spoiling their lives and murdering them. The sense of taking revenge instigated him at the level of murdering young innocent girls. When he got a deceiving feeling in love, he started to hate the opposite gender and engaged himself in spoiling and playing with the lives of young girls.


He showed loyalty to his revenge which he wanted o take from opposite gender. As he was failed in love, he confirms his ...
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