Marketing Assignmemnt

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Marketing Assignment [Name ?f the Writer]

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Marketing Assignment

Questi?n 1

C?nsider the tables: Table 4

“Pe?ple will use the ?lympics as an excuse t? very effectively get their p?int acr?ss,” Nigel Currie, direct?r ?f L?nd?n-based sp?rts marketing agency brandRapp?rt, said in an interview. “Any s?rt ?f baggage at all where they c?uld be criticized, s?mething like this will attract that s?rt ?f unwanted attenti?n. The ?lympics is just s? big n?w.”

Activists will wear ?lympic-themed gas masks at Ri? Tint? Plc's annual general meeting t?m?rr?w in the British capital, the L?nd?n Mining Netw?rk said by e-mail. They're pr?testing air p?lluti?n at Bingham Cany?n, Utah, where m?st ?f the ?lympic medals are being pr?duced.

At Amnesty Internati?nal's U.K. headquarters ?n April 16, activists intr?duced “Greenwash G?ld 2012 Campaign” t? find, which ?f D?w, BP and Ri? Tint? Plc had damaged the envir?nment the m?st.

L?nd?n's ?rganizing c?mmittee has raised m?re than 700 milli?n p?unds fr?m sp?ns?rs, which it says are crucial t? funding the games. The ?rganizati?n didn't resp?nd t? an e-mail seeking c?mment.

Suggesti?ns included ?ccupying buildings, halting c?nstructi?n and bl?cking lanes designated f?r ?lympic ?fficials, as well as hacking websites and carrying ?ut subversive p?ster and advertising campaigns.

?ne activist was selling T-shirts sh?wing five handcuffs interlinked like the ?lympic rings l?g?.

The gr?up included students, l?cal residents, activists and Elizabeth H?gg, an 89-year-?ld Canadian wh? was handing ?ver the “P?verty ?lympic T?rch” fr?m Vanc?uver, which h?sted the 2010 winter games, t? L?nd?n.

Table 10: Which c?mpanies are sp?ns?ring the 2012 ?lympics




The B?st?n C?nsulting Gr?up

CBS ?utd??r

Crystal CG


Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP




Heathr?w Airp?rt

Heineken UK

H?liday Inn

J?hn Lewis

McCann W?rldgr?up


Nature Valley




Rapiscan Systems

Ri? Tint?


Thames Water




Questi?n 2

a. Sh?rt Summary

The simplest analysis ?f qualitative data is ?bserver impressi?n: Miranda examined the data, interpreted it via f?rming an impressi?n and intend t? rep?rt her impressi?n in a structured and s?metimes (quasi-)quantitative f?rm. This attempt t? give structure t? mere ?bservati?n is referred t? as “c?ding” and f?rms an imp?rtant step bey?nd the mere ?bservati?n.

C?ding is an interpretive technique that seeks t? b?th ?rganize the data and pr?vide a means t? intr?duce the interpretati?ns ?f it int? certain quantitative meth?ds.

M?st c?ding requires the analyst t? read the data and demarcate segments within it. Each segment is labelled with a “c?de” - usually a w?rd ?r sh?rt phrase that suggests h?w the ass?ciated data segments inf?rm the research ?bjectives. When c?ding is c?mplete, the analyst prepares rep?rts via a mix ?f summarizing the prevalence ?f c?des, discussing similarities and differences in related c?des acr?ss distinct ?riginal s?urces/c?ntexts, ?r c?mparing the relati?nship between ?ne ?r m?re c?des.

C?ntemp?rary qualitative data analyses are s?metimes supp?rted by c?mputer pr?grams. These pr?grams d? n?t supplant the interpretive nature ?f c?ding but rather are aimed at enhancing the analyst's efficiency at data st?rage/retrieval and at applying the c?des t? the data. Many pr?grams ?ffer efficiencies in editing and revising c?ding, which all?w f?r ...
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