Managing Change & Innovation - Case Of Southern Discomfort

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Managing Change & Innovation - Case of Southern Discomfort

Managing Change & Innovation - Case of Southern Discomfort


The change is any modification that enables organizations to stay in a temporary space environment that is relatively stable. Change could be defined as the action and effect of changing any set pattern or behavior. It is not a straightforward process, and there will always be something that blocks or resists to it (Shehabuddeen, 2007). Innovation is widely regarded as one of the most important factors in the success of companies. Innovation is not limited to the technical field: the innovation exists in every sector, but is often linked to technology. Innovation frees organizations from the constraints that influence the cultural and spiritual. The change process often comprise of issues like resistance to change (Franken et. Al., 2009). With respect to the organizational change, employees show their anger and resistant for a specific change and innovation. At such situations; suitable Human Resource strategy should be implemented, e.g. training & development of the employees (Boxall & Purcell, 2000).


The costs are too high, the union is unwilling to cooperate, and the company wants to create a better return on its investment if it's to continue at all. The main issue was the resistance to change. The union workers restricted to change and they don't want the management to decrease their wage rates. Unions are formed by employees who desire to improve their compensation, benefits, and working conditions and to bring greater fairness with respect to their workplace (Franken et. Al., 2009). Employees recognize that unless they have unusual or unique skills or talents, individuals have very little influence with their employers and very little power to improve the conditions under which they work. However, by banding together, workers are able to exert collective pressure that is more likely to force an employer to make specific improvements in the workplace. It was an extremely challenging task to deal with high-cost labor in US manufacturing plant which was totally unionized. The union was extremely strong and did not accept any sort of change that was told to them. They were not accepting change, as they did not want to innovate and make things better by accommodating lesser per hour wages. The wage rate which was being paid to the plant employees was pretty high i.e. $16 an hour. The Mexican workers who dwelled in the town without sanitation and with an unbelievably toxic effluent from industrial pollution would amount to about $1-60an hour on average which would be a tremendous savings of nearly $15 million a year for the company which it could utilize in providing other benefits for the employees.

Strategy for Change

Human resources helps to achieve maximum personal development and desirable conditions between workers and employers. The HR department of an organization also designs suitable strategies in order to overcome any opposed circumstances by the employees of the company (Boxall & Purcell, 2000). Cross-train employees in order to perform multiple tasks at the same time can be ...
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