Managing Change

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Managing Change

Managing Change


Pixar is a relative newcomer in the movie business, but enjoys a remarkable success, creating a series of computer animated blockbuster films, including "Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life", Monster Inc, and The Incredibles. Since the beginning of 1990 of Pixar and Disney collaborate within the framework of the agreement, where the production of Pixar and Disney animated films are sold and distributed these throughout the world.

In the period 1995-2006 income from six movies Disney Pixar, was an estimated 3.2 billion dollars. Disney old Movie Maker with strong marketing, merchandising and distribution, but less impressive results in the creation of his animated film-making in recent years (Disney 2007 181). With the acquisition, Disney hopes that Pixar will stimulate creativity and rediscover the Disney's first successes.

Although the acquisition appears to make sound commercial sense, he expressed concern over the change management process needed to achieve business goals.

These two organizations are very different in terms of almost all aspects of organizational functioning and performance. When collaborating at a distance was not necessary for management teams to understand each other in the organization at any level of detail, and there is recognition that much greater information sharing is not required. New senior managers are not confident in the level of awareness of Pixar and Disney, on the need to change, and the extent to which staff from each organization perceive common goals

Factors that bring change

Forces that influence the strategic decisions of the various organizations today are the reason of the fallout of global change factors affecting business and government in the last decade and a half. These global drivers of change have been explained in great clarity of business leaders and management gurus so. Changes in the last decade and a half were caused by the liberalization of the economy in the world and innovation in information and communication technologies. Other important factors are changes, such as competition and customer preferences were a direct result of globalization and technological innovation. Drivers of change

Globalization is defined as the process of economic liberalization through the elimination of trade barriers by various countries and the lateral diffusion of knowledge and information across the enterprise (Catmull2008 64). With the gradual abolition of trade barriers in developing countries, globalization has provided an opportunity for businesses hampered by the size of the domestic market. And foreign investment has been welcomed these countries, globalization has become synonymous with "produce, where it is cheapest to produce and sell, for which demand the greatest."

Above phenomenon is taking the competition at different altitudes, where there is little opportunity for the survival of inefficient firms. Competitiveness in terms of market share and profitability in order to achieve a dominant position in the growing market has made it obvious for many firms to invent them. The same reasons, a push companies with additional forces to merge and thereby increase market share, scope and size with much less capital, and from increasing ...
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