Managing Challenging Behaviour: The impact of Support workers understanding within a UK Charity
My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and helpful comments on early drafts. I am also deeply indebted to the authors who have shared my interest and preceded me. Their works provided me with a host of information to learn from and build upon, also served as examples to emulate.
I, [names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
The importance of studying challenging behaviour in humans has become a need in today's society as large number of individuals possess such a violent and aggressive behaviour due to various pressures. It is important to study the possible reasons and features of the challenging behaviour within the individuals so that solutions could be provided in this respect. The topic of the paper that is “managing challenging behaviour: The impact of support workers understanding within a UK Charity” covers all the possible aspects of challenging behaviour taking into account the role of charity organization in managing challenging behaviour of individuals that are students and employees. The definitions of the aggressive and challenging behaviour The challenging behaviour can take various forms in the learning settings that could range from physical violence to comparatively minor disaffection of the learner. The inactive form of the challenging behaviour like that of non-participating attitude does not impact the learners dramatically. However, achievements of the learner involved would be drastically lowered due to it. Other dynamic forms of challenging behaviour could be very disturbing for the learners. The strict forms of the challenging behaviour that includes aggression and violence have been referred to as a form of severe risk by the learning providers. Behaviour of such kind usually leads to the disrupting episodes in performance that affects the overall work of such individuals.
1.1Background of the study1
1.3Problem Statement4
1.4 Aims of the study5
1.5 Objectives of the study5
1.6 Research questions5
1.7 Significance of the Study6
1.7 Rationale of the study7
2.1 Theoretical Framework12
2.2 Charity Organizations12
2.3 Success of Charity Organizations13
2.4 Support/Social Workers Understanding14
2.5 Past Studies on Charity Organizations15
2.6 Size of Charity Organizations16
2.7 Past Research on Aggressive Behaviour16
2.10 Assessment of Training Course for Controlling Aggressive Behaviour19