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Management Development - Case Study

Management Development - Case Study


Management development organizations is part of the progressive movement of society. Development Control - this is not one-off conversion control in order to achieve the best possible condition management, and continuing during the process. Management development is in steps (Armstrong, 2006). If management development is characterized by its comparison with the previous inventory status, for improving the management of the system is characterized by a comparison with the best management for a particular criterion. Management development and improvement - a diverse phenomenon, a more profound and thus determining which is the development of management.

To understand the essence of the mechanism and logic of governance, itself deserves a thorough study of historical method of Development of management, review of traffic management in its concrete - historical manifestations (Bocij, Greasley & Hickie, 2008). In - the first, the state of management development is highly dependent on the level of development of productive forces. Depending on the level of the means of production is allocated three types of controls. a) Traditional management - it is built according to human possibilities.

At this stage, a person acts as an annex to the machine technology, which he uses in his work. In other words, a man, though a user equipment in the production process in the first place it acts as an expert on bringing into force the necessary tools and equipment to perform certain operations (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Management is based primarily on the basis of the machine, the technology, not from man. Scientific - technological revolution is developing a system of machines and technology to such an extent that a person, the former early in the car and engine technology the slave, torn from her and gets the machine. Management is now on the man, and not from the machine.

Development of management is carried out in accordance with a certain logic, which is manifested and realized through a system of general principles of development. The first principle of management: regardless of the specific content of the reasons that require the development of control and causing his transformation must begin with the transformation of the original building began defining and implementing controls (Gregory, 2011). The second principle of management is that the need for and direction of development mainly determined by the content of the new challenges faced by the organization.

The third principle of development control. Limiting factor of any changes to management are the shots. People do not just set in motion and create a new, but they also hinder development. The initial starting point for management development is the emergence of new problems. Develop a management system based on the reaction of the problem (Hoffmann & Wood, 2005). This type of reaction from the scientific point of view is the only true from a practical point of view - the only truly effective. Restructuring of the underlying principles, on which the control ...
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