Management Problems In Global Chemical Industries

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Analysis of management problems in global chemical industries


Chemical industry project management involves complex decision making situations that require discerning abilities and methods to make sound decisions. Project managers are faced with decision environments and problems in projects that are complex. In this work, case study is Research and Development (R&D) project selection. R&D is an ongoing process for forward thinking technology-based chemical industries. R&D project selection is an important task for organizations with R&D project management. It is a multi-criteria problem which includes both tangible and intangible factors. The ability to make sound decisions is very important to success of R&D projects. Multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) approaches are major parts of decision theory and analysis. This paper presents all of MCDM approaches for use in R&D project selection. It is hoped that this work will provide a ready reference on MCDM and this will encourage the application of the MCDM by chemical engineering management.

Table of Content

Chapter I: Introduction7



Background of the study10

Aims and objectives11

Research Questions/ hypothesis12

Chapter II: literature Review14

Management Structure16

Managing On an International Scale16

Developing a Global Culture18

Responsible Care, ISO 14001, ISO 9000, and EMAS20

Responsible Care21

ISO 1400122

ISO 900023


Norms of Exclusivity26

Characteristics of the Chemical Industry27

M&As in the Chemical Industries32

Other Restructuring Methods37

Effects on Concentration44

Hazard identification procedures48

Release scenarios48

Quantity of gas released49

Rescue and evacuation52

Personal protective equipment53

Chapter III: Methodology54

Data and Method54

Hypothesis Development54

Hypothesis 1: The greater the diffusion of Responsible Care in a particular country, the less the number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry within that country.55

Norms and Learning55

Hypothesis 2A: The greater the diffusion of Responsible Care in a particular country, the greater the number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry within that country.56

Hypothesis 2B. The greater the number of ISO 9000 certificates in the chemical industry within a country, the greater the number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry within that country.58

Support Groups: The Role of Government and Civil Society58

The Role of Government59

Hypothesis 3A: The higher the involvement of the country's government in international relations and environmental protection policies, the greater the number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry within that country.60

Hypothesis 3B: Countries implementing EMAS will experience a higher number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry.61

The Role of Civil Society61

Hypothesis 4. The higher the civil society activism in the form of involvement in international NGOs within a particular country, the greater the number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry within that country.63

The Role of Trade Ties63

Hypothesis 5: The higher the trade ties with countries that have been proactive in the adoption of ISO 14001, the greater the number of ISO 14001 certificates in the chemical industry within that country.64

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion65

ISO 9000 Standard66

The Role of the Government66

The Role of Civil Society68

Cohesion in Trade within the Chemical Industry68

Competitive Trade within the Chemical Industry69

Size of the National Chemical Industry70

Foreign Direct Investment71

Level of ISO 14001 Diffusion within the Country71




Chapter V: Conclusion86



Management Problems In Global Chemical Industries

Chapter I: Introduction


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