Management Affect

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Management affects on company's operation

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Management affects on company's operation


Management is the most important part of any organization. It needs to be perfect in all aspect so that the organization can be run successfully. The most important what strikes interested in the field of management thought today is a state intersection sharp contrast between what had prevailed from the ideas and trends and the outcome of the case of development of humanity in the fields of public and knowledge and management in particular, and more determines the features of this intersection that many of the concepts in the field of science Management has moved in a compromise to fit with what came of intellectual development in the context of the information revolution and knowledge (DuBrin 2008, pp. 498-501). Consistent with the trends of the study, which derived them philosophical, intellectual and one of the most important of these intersections, which require a serious stand of researchers and thinkers of the administration, which will account for on the basis of origin of the idea of knowledge management, noting a leading management to founder of the philosophy of scientific management is the first to apply knowledge management to work. It got pointed out that the secret of success of the industrial world advanced adoption philosophy knowledge, where the number of companies including, for example, company (Ford) and Company (GE) the adoption of these concepts, knowledge, and then successive additions and intellectual contributions of the authors and researchers on the origin of the concept expansion of employment and job rotation, so is of the first truly laid the philosophical foundations for the work of makers of knowledge as of today by limiting the work task and select Delete all activities that do not contribute to generating value (Mannan 2005, pp. 10-12).

Article Summaries

There are different written by different authors on the management effect on the company. The importance of management on the company is understood by looking at these articles. The first article is “The Dynamic Effects of Bundling as a Product Strategy”, written by Timothy Derdenger and Vineet Kumar. The article investigates the concentrated product strategy, and the importance of management in maintaining the strategies. The role of management is very important as it can either build a strategy or it can destroy it. Second article, which got analysed is “Engaging Supply Chain in Climate Change,” written by Chonnikarn Fern Jira and Michael W. Toffel. The article also talked about the management role in maintains the supply chain. These articles show how important are management for the company's operation.


One thing, which was noted in all the articles is that the importance of involving employees with the management was missing. The level of employee's satisfaction towards the management is very essential, as they are the main source of production. If the employees are not satisfied with the management, they will not give their 100% to the company; thus, the level of production will be adversely affected.

Companies Operation and Management affect's example

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