
Read Complete Research Material





This discussion will be based on a critical evaluation of a reflection of this week's Learning Resources and on my own experience as a leader; followed by a description of an instance in which my leadership was not successful because I chose to tell rather than share. Using and referencing this week's Learning Resources, the discussion will present a description of how and why I might have handled this situation differently. The usage of references based on this week's Learning Resources will constitute an evaluation of the clarity and organization of the ideas and arguments presented by the article's author; alongside other relevant factors such as the incorporation of outside evidence, the author's use citing, referencing, quoting and paraphrasing; and the credibility of the article.

Discussion & Analyses

People fear what may happen if you do not obey what they are asked. So pretend supporter loyalty, but their commitment is superficial and energy can quickly become sabotage and destruction when nobody sees or when the threat is gone (Cunliffe, 2004). The leader also acts for fear of not getting submission. Do not put leadership as the culmination of a long career of efforts to conquer high goals, but as the deployment of a potential that is in all, based on the opportunities we are given to implement it (Grint, 2000). Despite wearing some attribute to the term, it is believed that is still relevant as social issue not unique business environment.

From the above analysis of several articles, it appears that the choice of leadership is essential to decide on the basis of leader's power: coercion, usefulness or principles. If a leader lacks well-developed interactive skills, or the ability to stay true to values ??well established when under pressure, or a history of integrity and trust, it is virtually impossible to cope up with the crisis situation (Smircich & Morgan, 1982). In these articles, there are certain elements that think it is possible to talk about leadership without linking it to the values from this point of view it appears that effort to distinguish between good and bad leaders is a difficult task the article named leadership for wicked problems addresses concept of situational leaders and analyse how one becomes a leader for addressing issue of an organization (Cunliffe, 2004). In my opinion investigators believes that leader have values ??or without values one cannot become a leader. The result of leader's action does not benefit the company, nor does convince us that what is true leadership.

In this sense we can say that we live in a mass society where the focus of consumption, scientist, technocrat, alienating many factors has created, where the man lives shifted and standardized (Grint, 2000). Few people consider the development in which the priorities are human and social values ??that should serve the science, the technology, and the economy, administration and general sciences applied. In this sense, values-based leadership will result in a good job as a team, the leader may face difficult situations during their journey or difficult decisions ...
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