Maintenance Practices

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Maintenance Practices

Maintenance Practices


The practice of conversion of a building especially historical buildings as well as grounds required the structural programming to increase their life. All the elements that do reflect the late attention or negligence create some serious hazards and could cost much precious life or create harmful effect.



Maintenance on a regular basis is an essential part to keep your place reliable and safe (David, 1993). Regular maintenance helps to eliminate the hazards and lack of maintenance can create the cause of accidents and leads the health problem. Prevention of maintenance keeping the life of building extends its life such as building original fabric and less material loss. Prevention of maintenance make the might gives favor In terms of the economy, but making investment on a regular basis that involves routine clearance of drains and gutters can be cheaper and not much inconvenient towards serious damage. The major key thing that relates to maintenance, especially buildings and grounds maintenance is a high risk activity which should be performed in a safe way. Maintenance is a key element that managing the place from avoiding hazards and lacks inadequate result some serious loss. The cause which may occur due to not maintenance your place cause due to faults occurs in cables or plugs, poor gas connection, and it leakage leads serious damage (Shaomin et. al, 2010). Many small accidents that occur on the grounds have included trips and fall; slips might be happen towards the result of in efficient maintenance quality.

Methods, Techniques and Safety Practices for Maintenance

There are several causes that lead for building defect that we have discussed above, now we are going to explain some important techniques, methods and tools that can be a useful tool for counter the problems.

Fungal stain

Fungal strain has been relates to wall surface that can be avoid through low pressure of washing. Water spray with soft hand could not damage the walls and helps to remove the stain in a quick manner (Richard, 1993). Chemical which is known as caustic soda should be avoid this time because it contain soluble salts may cause serious damage to once health.

Peeling paint

Paint basically depend on the particular types of nature and condition types, because this is necessary to make surface cleans because can create some serious side effects and through using some consultations does useful to avoid such a problem (Richard, 1993). Washing from water simply is an easy tool to remove such paints and because loosing thoroughly. Using soda does not the right way to clean up surface and reducing attack from paintwork. There is several chemical paint remover are also available in the market that involves alkaline and solvent which are health risk and should be used by an experienced person. Through hot air the often used for the scraping the paint and it would accustom towards particular device, or else the paint might easily catch fire and cause some serious damage to an entire building.


There is some part from the ventilation that should be regularly ...
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