Main Skills And Role Of A Forensic Accountant

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Main skills and role of a Forensic Accountant

Main skills and role of a Forensic Accountant


This paper discusses the most important skills possessed by the forensic accountant and the role played by the accountant to ensure the evaluation of these skills and their applications in business operations. The role of a forensic accountant has been discussed within a courtroom environment, along with the legal responsibilities in a business practice. In the end part, the two different cases have been discussed in detail to define the role of the forensic accountant for each particular case.


Important skills of a forensic accountant

The forensic accounting is a field that requires professionals with a solid foundation in knowledge accounting, auditing, finance, taxation, internal control, including of the profession. For this reason, the profile of a forensic accountant points to a mixture of public accountant, lawyer and research, since in addition to knowledge of accounting and auditing standard for complement the requirements to perform its functions in suitable, should include aspects of legal research and legal education, with an emphasis on obtaining evidence and evidence, knowledge in psychology, computer science and expertise in the regulation of the sector in which play professionally. The most important skills that are required for the forensic accountant are analytical skills, verbal communication, legal knowledge, confidence and proficiency. In addition to these features of interdisciplinary, must have mental qualities among the most important are: research-mindedness, be insightful, very self-motivated, work under pressure, creative mind, communication and persuasion skills, and ability to communicate with adherence to laws, mediation and negotiation skills, analytical skills and creativity to adapt to new situations. As can be seen, these characteristics and skills are associated closely with investigating cases outside the law, corruption, crime, terrorism, among others of its kind. The forensic accountant to establish evidence of criminal responsibilities with evidence obtained to the consideration of the appropriate judge for a ruling. This should also provide businesses with the necessary tools that allow the implementation of Preventive and corrective controls needed to prevent future financial fraud.

The forensic accounting is a tool that allows the issuance of ideas, opinions arguments solid high technical and professional value to the judges in order to facilitate the justice act with greater certainty, especially as regards the surveillance of fiscal management. The forensic accounting can be seen as a model of control and government research, to have a new tool to help detect and combat crimes against the property of the State for public employees or sponsors dishonest external.

The forensic accountant should design actions as to offer reasonable assurance that detect errors, irregularities or illegal acts that could have a substantial impact on the values contained financial statements. The practice of forensic accounting is presented as an opportunity for the accounting profession in our country, the level of corruption and fraud there. The forensic accounting was considered exclusively as a field of action in the public sector, but in the private sector, the sophistication and speed that globalization imposes on businesses ...
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