Ls311 Final Project And Cases

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LS311 Final Project and Cases

LS311 Final Project and Case

Final Project Part 1: Case # 1

What are the ethical issues or concerns in this Energy Cooperative Case study?

How can this be resolved applying KANT"s Categorical Imperative?

How can this be resolved applying MILL's Theory of Utilitrainism?

How can this be resolved applying the theory of RIGHT's based of ethical decision making?

How can this be resolved applying the theory of JUSTICE based ethical decision making?

How would these issues be resolved a t each stage of KOHLBERG's Levels of Moral Development?(label the stages)

Following are the ethical issues concerning Energy Cooperative Case study:

professional secrecy

fair pay

Suitable working culture

The work is not only a duty but also creates rights: fair pay, decent working and living conditions etc. In addition to these general indications - the values, moral duties and powers - there are also some specific values ??and norms, resulting from circumstances in each event (so-called professional ethics). They define in more detail the relationship between employer and employee at Energy Cooperative.

KANT"s Categorical Imperative can be applied in this situation to resolve the issue in Energy Cooperative. His categorical imperative, in a nutshell, states that an act is ethical only if it remains ethical if it were to become a universal norm. Therefore, the company should focus on develop ethical standards that will be applicable among all the employees in the organization.

MILL's Theory of Utilitarianism is an ethical doctrine that holds that right conduct consists in doing whatever will maximize the well-being of everyone affected by an action. According to the theory, intellectual and moral pleasures are superior to more physical forms of pleasure. Mill contended that simple pleasures tend to be preferred by people who have not experienced more complex pleasures such as exposure to “high art” and that those who have experienced both high and low forms of pleasure are in the best position to judge what is best for a society. The officials at Energy Cooperative can introduce programs that will help maintain and improve intellectual and moral pleasures of the employees.

 With reference to theory of RIGHT's based of ethical decision making, the situation can be resolved by making decisions that favors all, such as rewarding employees with monthly or yearly bonuses. These decision should be taken without the influence of racial, ethical or gender discrimination,

 The main conclusion of the theory of justice for the practice of management at Energy Cooperative is that as long as people begin to believe that they receive fair compensation, they will seek to produce quality work. Note, however, that the perception and evaluation of justice is relative, not absolute. People compare themselves with others of the same organization or with members of other organizations doing similar work. As the productivity of employees in evaluating their rewards as unfair (because the other person performing similar work, get more), will fall, they have to tell you and explain why there is such a difference. We must explain, for example, more highly paid colleagues get more because he has extensive experience that enables him to ...