Love At First Sight

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Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight


Love is a complex concept that has been addressed by several researchers and authors of different time periods in their theoretical study and empirical distinctions. Within these approaches, the existence of passionate love is based on excitement and intense emotion that has at least two shades: when the beloved is for an individual's love cause a feeling of ecstasy (mutual love) and when an individual rejects, which promotes feelings of agony and despair (unrequited love). This research paper focuses on the cognitive system or behavior of a person when he is attracted or feels attraction towards someone.

Research Aims and Objectives

The main aim of carrying out this research work is to find the fact that what actually happens automatically and instinctively in the cognitive system when someone feels attracted to another person.

Research Method

This research uses the psychophysical method in order to test whether changes in subjective time are linked with interpersonal attraction.

Literature Review

Ancient literature is linked to passionate love myth and reality, and this is evident in the stories of lovers caught up in a wave of passion and violence as in the case of Odysseus and Penelope, or Romeo and Juliet. In fact, according to social and evolutionary psychologists and anthropologists, passionate love is a cultural universal, a feeling that seems to have existed in all times and places.

Love at First Sight

Eyes meet for a moment, and everything else seems to stand still. This scene is in almost every romance novel. According to the British newspaper "The Guardian" Scientists have now deciphered the true nature of this mutual attraction. One believes that the study of romance has not the least to do so, because in this "special" moment it is all about selfishness and sex. There seems to be a purely narcissistic thing. People are attracted to each other who find one another attractive. It has been observed that people look more attractive when they smile at people and make eye contact. According to the scientists that work contradicts most previous studies that focused on physical properties, in particular symmetrical faces or the differences between male and female characteristics (Pieternel, 2008). The social cues that identify how someone feels attracted to someone seems to be very important. It has been shown from several studies that it is not only the physical beauty. Jones and his colleagues want to show that attraction is based on social stimuli, which indicate how to attract the opposite is found. The most important seems to be more intense eye contact.

Behavioral and Cognitive Theories

There are two major theoretical approaches that have provided the framework for research on affiliative behavior and interpersonal attraction: the behavioral and cognitive.

Behavioral theories conceive man as a selfish and unromantic presuppose the belief that an individual is attracted to people who somehow reward him, not embarking on a love relationship or friendship if he thinks that the cost of it will be higher than gains obtainable. Predicted to be most beloved (an individual will ...
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