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Conflict in To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

Conflict in To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee


In 1865, after the abolition of slavery in the United States, black men lived in extreme poverty, while whites had lost all the privileges they had, and were forced to think of some way to replace the laborers with”animals and machines” (as slaves were considered). During the Great Depression in 1929, the prejudice and hatred of whites against blacks increased dramatically, to the point that lynchings were organised for trivial reasons. What Atticus Finch did in the story, sitting in front of the prison overnight to defend Tom Robinson, perfectly reflects that period of conflict in society (Enotes, 2009, pp. 97-109). To Kill a Mockingbird, a classic novel by Harper Lee, a journalist who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 was made into a film which won three Oscars in 1962. The story of the novel concerns the racial conflicts which completely poisoned the atmosphere of US during the 1930s.


In a subject where it is difficult not to take sides and become emotional, the author stands by and lets us look at her protagonist. This is about showing deep-rooted conflict from a neutral point of view, the naive and innocent child (Schuster, 1963, pp 506-11). Scout takes a look at society free of prejudices. From her view, we see the sheer absurdity of these conflicts. The author chose a fictional town in the state of Alabama, where she was born. The mid-1930s were marked by the Great Depression; an economic crisis that began in 1920and lasted throughout the 1930s. It led to low living standards, rising unemployment, misery for the people. It was a time full of inequalities, prejudices and racial conflicts.

Atticus Finch, a lawyer who is respected throughout the county, stands for justice and common sense, the opposite of what the author wants to criticize. It is said that Scott stands for Harper Lee's own views, while Atticus reflects her own father. Through their eyes and thinking the reader follows the story. Scott is a 6-year-old girl without a mother. Her father has educated her to think regardless of who is male or female, black or white, as he thinks best. It is thanks to this education and the fact of watching her older brother Jem (four years older than her), that she questions the conflict around her, always ...
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