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Library and Online Sources

Library and Online Sources

There are three articles, which have been studied. Out of these, the first article has been derived from Ebsco host, the second has been derived from Pro quest and the 3rd article has been search online, via Google search. All the three articles reflect the physical fitness of an individual, which further leads to enhanced performances. The first article discusses the effect of exercising and training. However, it is highly important to note that in order to fasten the process of the body, some people tend to over exercise and thus end up either getting injured or pulling a few muscles. All the three articles focus on one major thing. This is known as over exercising or pulling your muscles. The second article argues that there is no proof that muscle soreness has anything to do with stretching either before or after exercising. In addition to that, it also argues that stretching sometimes lead to an injury to the muscles.

Some people tend to over stretch and in doing that; they somehow end up pulling their muscles. There is a risk involved when the individual plans to exercise. This risk mainly rotates around the risk of possible injuries and damage to the tissues as well as the muscles. In addition to that, the 3rd article also highlights the effects of compulsive exercising. Overall, all the three articles revolve around the notion of exercising and their possible effects on the physical self of a human being. It is highly important to note that the second study clashes with the other two articles. However, to sum up, the main things that have been highlighted are that compulsive exercising may damage the body, rather than aiding it. Even if the person is not injured, over exercising would disturb ...
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