Liberal Education

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Liberal Education


I believe that during school, the only part of our education that allows us to prepare for future challenges in a practical manner is Liberal Arts. In the current environment of burgeoning change, it not only gives us a platform through which we can practice being flexible, but is a great tool for narrowing specialization in case intransigence is making this way into our lives. To become effective problem solvers, tools that provide us help intellectually must be utilized, and they can only perform their objective tasks when our interests are narrowed to become somewhat honed.

In this paper, I will be recounting the advantages of having been liberally educated through this course, and what it means to me and my future prospects to be able to live life away from the throes on inflexibility. I will be using Cronon's definition of a liberally education person, and how it reflects on my as an individual and my experiences.


As children growing up, we are exposed to the notion of making money in order to survive, and throughout primary and secondary education, one is forced to look at their future prospects and what would be the easiest and most effective way for them to make lots of money. With current times, the notion of Higher Education has turned more into a business then a bright future, and more and more children opt for “practical” degrees such as business administration, accounting or education itself. Thus, the question of why learning about arts and media is promoted is asked by many who would rather learn quick ways to make money. But there is more cultural diversity in our education as well as social system now. People who have had a special interest in the Liberal Arts are able to converse with anyone with a confidence that might be lacking in students of business and so on. Not only this, liberal arts students have the heightened ability to listen and comprehend others unlike students who have gone through specializations.

Liberal arts provide us with an opportunity to discover new areas in our lives that have remained previously unexplored due to whatever reasons. Mostly, apprehension and fear of failure stops us from embarking on the learning experience that could be provided through new discoveries. we may have not had experience . Further to gaining awareness to sully our challengers at Trivial Pursuit, we are provided with insight on diverse features that affect our day to day lives. Some individuals may consider it useful to only be an expert in one area of their lives, but through applying liberal arts principles, people have the opportunity to attain so much more. Liberal arts pave the way for those who want to apply themselves to achieve fundamental understanding in issues that may cause them confusion otherwise. The application of liberal arts principles in real life help us to become more appropriately equipped in dealing with immediate problems as well as circumstantial situations that might overwhelm us ...
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