Legal Drinking

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Legal Drinking

[Date of Submission]

Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18?


For the purpose of this assignment, I have chosen an article posted online by Professor Ruth C. Engs, Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research which differs with my opinion. I believe that the drinking age should not be lowered to 18 and ought to stay the same at 21 years.


According to Prof. Ruth's article, there are three major arguments which he has presented in favor of lowering the legal drinking age to 18 years.

The first argument he presents states that if the drinking age is indeed lowered to 18 years, the young adults will be permitted drinking in 'controlled environments' for instance, pubs, restaurants, taverns and even on official school and university grounds at special occasions. These times and situations can be used as an opportunity for teaching them on how behave with drink. They can be taught the effects and responsible behaviors from that time so that they don't learn bad drinking habits.

Secondly the argument he presents says, that these young adults already have a rebellious attitude towards the figures of authority, and the flaunting of the present age restricted drinking law is commonly evident everywhere. The people who are drinking and are under 21 are mostly involved in 'binge drinking' that is consuming more than 5 drinks on a weekly basis. The reason for binge drinking maybe that since they are not allowed to get the drinks according to their wish they make the most of opportunity when they can get their hands on one. It also aims to show that the illegal drinking is a common phenomenon.

The third argument he gives states that there has not been any significant decrease in car accidents because of the drinking limit only. There ...
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