Learning Style

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The Learning Style as a Manager

The Learning Style as a Manager


Learning is an unremitting procedure that requires an individual to connect himself, in order to acquire knowledge in a variety of disciplines. However, it is more important to be contemporary, though the learning, about where the person is and what he envisions being as a manager and as a leader. The idea of lifetime learning is typically dissimilar from the practice of premature youth education. When it comes to an organizational education, managers are expectant to plan their actions in such a way that they should not concur with the professional responsibilities but rather the experience helps the individuals to supplement their professional abilities to reap out the utmost benefits, in the form of personal satisfaction as well as business value.


Being a marketing manager at one of the prestigious financial institutions of my region, it is critically important to be dynamic with the external environmental pace as well as enhancing the capabilities to foster as a leader. This, in return, enables me to create (on in better words) discover the ways to fill the discrepancies, which are created through the problems that come at my disposal.

On Kolb's Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Model, I would put myself in the category of those individuals, who have diverging learning styles. However, initially it seemed very difficult to put myself in any one of the defined categories, but after critically analyzing my personal traits, against my job, I made the above choice. It can be said so, because I emphasize the inventive and creative approach to doing things, views real situations from many perspectives and acclimatize by inspection rather than by action. I am more interested in the populace and tend to be feeling-oriented. Furthermore, I endorse activities such as cooperative groups and brainstorming. In my job, I am able to look at things from different viewpoints. It is critically important for me to look at different things and observe the behavior of my target market, in order to know their intrinsic behavior. For me, people are, are a better proposition than the rational concepts, behind the corporate decisions that are made. Additionally, my abilities to perform better in scenarios, where idea-generation and holistic advice is required, makes me a better advocate of deviating learning style. Further, I also have a wide culture wellbeing and I like to collect information regarding cross cultural communication, in order to spread the operation of my firm, across the borders.

As a marketing manager, it is vital for me to understand about the values and the propositions that will keep my client satisfied or rather delighted and will help me to sustain and grow myself and the organization, I work for. Furthermore, I prefer to create teams and encourage working in groups and making collective efforts, as I believe that synergies, created through team work, are higher than the individual's efforts. Moreover, I have also learned that leader is not an individual, who commands and ...
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