Law Of Communications

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Law of Communications

Law of Communications

Part A

Question 1

In question 1, the author inquired to highlight the role of Department of Community Wellbeing to be responsible for Billy's conduct and also breaching Information Privacy Principle 11 of the Privacy Act 1988. According to the author, somehow the department is responsible for the Billy's conduct because the department employees were responsible for highlighting Billy's negative image and during this process; the department also breached the confidential information to the outsiders.

No one today does not need to be convinced that the information (explicit and implicit) is a strategic commodity and if only because it must be adequately protected against unauthorized disclosure. The desire to gain by others of information on the use by the company of new technology makes them does not dress in the means to come into their possession, and do not spare funds for such activities.

In light of the above, the weight of the problem associated with the production, storage, processing (including primarily on systems and networks), and the transmission of documents containing classified information, allow s the management to pay special attention to the criminal and disciplinary responsibility which rests on those who with because of official position or performance of the work commissioned will be directly or indirectly involved in these processes. It is true that the person legally responsible for the protection of classified information system in the company, but do not bear direct responsibility for the conscious or unconscious infringement by individual employees.

Therefore, the obligation to protect classified information rests with whoever in possession of such information entered, regardless of whether it was a legitimate or accidental. In case of violation, within the scope of the provisions of the Privacy Act, option specific offenses provided for in Articles act 265 to 269. From the point of view of the protection of classified information, the most important seem to be a crime under Article 265 and 266.

In conclusion, it should be noted that people function, directly responsible for the operation of the protection of classified information in an organizational unit in case of violations, can use a variety of disciplinary measures or refer to other legal instruments provided for in the Criminal Code and other legal acts.

Question 2

In question 2, the author asked to provide evidence in relation to the situation that Sam was responsible for defaming Jessica by publishing the online article by the name of 'How to win Government contracts'. Therefore, in this question, the author highlighted some of the defences that available to Sam to justify his act.

There are situations in which even those who are subject to the so-called media exposure (by choice of professional life or in spite of) can be considered in breach of its right to honour and reputation of a news report. It will accordingly to their legal which, if his client elects to proceed with a civil action against those responsible, will take account of the particular personal situation of the ...
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