Latin Literature In Translation

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Latin Literature in Translation

Latin Literature in Translation

Part One: Definitions


Romanticism is defined as a cultural movement that opposes the characteristic principles of the Enlightenment and that is the result of deep social and ideological crises of a rapidly changing world, as in the first decades of the nineteenth century. Romanticism is characterized by opposition to classical antiquity, pagan and southern. For example: The marble statue in 1819 by oseph Freiherr von Eichendorff's Das Marmorbild and The Sandman in 1817 by E. T. A. Hoffmann's Der Sandmann.Romanticism as a trend in literature and art has expanded to many countries in Europe and America, but manifested in them in different ways.


The allegory is a figure of speech that is to represent an idea figuratively through human forms, animals or inanimate. It may be composed of a succession of metaphorical images representing a more complex thought or actual human experience, and in that sense can be whole works. Allegory is when the literal story represents something else than it is called as any allegory. George Orwel's “Animal Farm” is the most famous and good form of Allegory. “Terrible Things” is also an example of good allegorical short story.


Symbolism was one of the most important artistic movements of the late nineteenth century. Symbolism can be defined as the reference of objects used by author to add deeper meaning to the story. Symbolism in literature can be obvious or subtle, used heavy handedly or sparingly. The literary symbolism encouraged writers to express their ideas, feelings and values ??through symbols or by implication rather than by direct statements. Flame, fire, hot temperatures, angles, clouds, haloes are some of the examples used by authors as symbolism in literature like in "The White Whale , "The Black Cat" The Great Coat" "The Tell-Tale Heart", and "NightFall".

Part Two: comparative ...
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