Language Processing

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Good enough language processing: A heuristic approach. Cognitive Psychology

Good enough language processing: A heuristic approach. Cognitive Psychology

Summary of the Main Concepts

Fernanda Ferreira psycholinguist believed that language "meets the record", but not perfect. Our brains are also very clumsy when composing sentences and also when reading them. Try, for example, answer this question: How many animals did Moses take into the ark? The reader reads the words "animal" and "ark" and warns that the question refers to Moses and Noah. There is nothing more infuriating to read a verbatim transcript of a conversation, something that was evident in the judgments about Watergate: the transcripts appeared to belong to the mentally retarded who were unable to communicate. In a conversation we are not aware of it, but do not stop interrupting, stuttering, use the expression "and that" as a punctuation mark (and other taglines useless), we assume things left incomplete sentences.

What's more, we exchanged easily consonants, such as saying "fagotizar" instead of "cannibalize" or as my grandmother says: "cocreta" to "kibble". In saying all group members were born in Spain, we can easily understand that all members of the group "lain" in Spain, and so it is a thousand words, as the diction of the speaker, the benefits of our ear, and environmental conditions, confused with each other, mingling things. A macabre case occurred in 1977, when the pilot of one ambiguous answer to a question about their position ("on off") caused a plane crash that killed 583 people: the pilot in question meant "ready for takeoff" but the air traffic controller interpreted to mean "and taking off."

Vicki Fromkin, a pioneer of linguistics, was the first to systematically collecting and studying human language errors. And I guarantee that the error list is overwhelming. For example, the bed comfortable bed and called called comfortable, but is more comfortable than the bed comfortable. We make our needs in the "latrines" although that has nothing to do with the "letters". Or in the "toilet", even though you do not need an "excuse" to go to the bathroom. The evolution of language is also completely crazy, as I showed in the wheel of euphemism . For example, once, to be an ace of something was to be the worst, as it came from asnejón, donkey, awkward. Now, be a sport as it is to be the best. These arbitrary changes say more about ourselves as fallible human beings with brains and bodies full of patches evolutionary accident specific historical or political, as I show in the next installment of this series.

Critical Analysis of the Main Theory, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions

It is notable that the first two (i.e. the function expressive and cognitive functions) are always present, when the other two are used. Therefore at an argument, for example, there will be an element of self-expression and a share of "call", i.e. research on the effects or other person(s), i.e., regardless of use language, it is the minimum expression, and also most of the time ...
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