Journalist Ethics

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Journalist Ethics Regarding Reporting about Aids

Journalist Ethics Regarding Reporting about Aids


AIDS is a disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection continues to spread. More than 42 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. AIDS is a disease that affects people who have been infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is said that someone has AIDS when his body due to the immunodeficiency caused by HIV, it is able to offer immune response against the unauthorized infections.

Africans are twice as worried about becoming infected with HIV as all Americans combined. About half of all blacks surveyed know someone who has HIV or AIDS or has died from AIDS, compared with a third of all Americans who say the same. AIDS is the nation's leading health concern according to 52% of blacks, compared with 38% of all the Africa. The AP/Boston Herald reports that when the AIDS epidemic began more than a decade ago, it mostly infected gay, white men ( Yet as AIDS cases among whites have been steadily dropping, the number of blacks and Hispanics with the disease has been rising at a disproportionate rate."

In paper discusses whether the truth that the musicians had Aids, should be reported ot not considering that it is a taboo subject in South Africa.


Before making the decision, it is essential to understand what does ethics means. Ethics is one of the many branches of philosophy that studies things by their causes, the universal and necessary, which is dedicated to the study of human acts, made of both the will and absolute freedom of the individual. All human actions that takes place through the will of the person who is absent from freedom, do not enter the study or field of ethics. This is an important point, because ethics is about the act well or badly done. By the same token, if a person acts improperly, but did so under pressure or in the absence of freedom, to choose, we cannot speak of a human act (Myers, 2009, pp. 76). Another definition is offered by Jose Maria Desantes Guanter , who describes in his book, "Self-control information," the ethics as "a systematic set of minimum standards that a professional group that establishes and reflects an ethical common majority of its members . It's like an objectification of the various ethical and professional subjective concepts that are more or less according to their social environment. To be effective can not oppose the ethical individual."

The definition of ethics in the sample to it as a branch of philosophy is considered a normative science because it deals with the rules of human conduct distinguished from the formal and empirical science. Empirical social sciences collide at certain points with the interests of ethics because they both study social behavior, the first attempt to determine the relationship between individual ethics and social behavior. Philosophers have attempted to study the behavior of individuals thoroughly and concluded that there are good and bad behavior, to weigh out this study ...
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