Jet Copies Case

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JET Copies Case

JET Copies Case


Before starting the case, it is important to know how this case will be evaluated through excel, the functions and their application, and how they quantifiably accentuate on the variables and known possibilities of the case. The major functions that are used in this particular case are RANDBETWEEN and SQRT in order to identify the relationship of how they simulate and validate the confidence in the results.


Excel is an excellent application, which has many functions not only of mathematical calculations, like logic. Most people see it as a "challenge", which actually is not. Always bear in mind that Excel is nothing but a game of battleship. This is a set of lines and columns, which are the vessels, and based on the crossing of these lines and columns; seek to achieve the most likely target.

In Excel we have to view the location of each row and column, finding the respective numbers of rows and columns of letters, to achieve the desired end result. I suggest you use it to try to enter their functions, avoid the maximum use of the wizard, it somehow becomes a "settling" deprives us of better assimilate the functions. Typing functions makes it easier to memorize the commands, making the use of the tool faster and more efficient.

Run Microsoft Excel, remembering that this example the function random (RANDBETWEEN) English is used in the 2003 version actually mean RANDBETWEEN (written together anyway and accent) but normally there are version of the function that are accepted from Excel 2007.

There are two types of randomization functions in Microsoft Excel:

RAND (RAND) - defines only the value of the cell and performs the random selection of the numerical value of certain cell e.g.:

= RAND () * A1

If cell "A1" = 10 in cell B1 simply type the function = RAND () * A1 it will make the random selection of numbers from 0 to 10, note that this function generates random value only when it is intervals uses the function RANDBETWEEN, as described below.

RANDBETWEEN (BETWEEN RANDOM) - defines randomization but different random number that defines just a number, this function defines the function between two random intervals, they are two numbers for example: = RANDBETWEEN (1, 100) between a number and a = RANDBETWEEN cell (1; A10) or between two RANDBETWEEN cells (A1, B1).

Important Note: To perform ...
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