Japanese Manga Art

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Japanese Manga Art

Table of Contents

Japanese Manga Art3


What Is Manga?3

Distinguishing Features4

Chart reading Manga4


The Japanese graphic tradition5

Manga Anonymous (1912-1926).6

Birth of modern Manga (1945)7

International expansion (early 1990)9

Exports And Popularity Around The World11

The Global Influence Of Manga12

The Manga Industry14

Manga store in Japan.14

Genres demographic and population segments15

Manga Taking Over The Comic Industry17

Use In The Animated Movies19

Popularity Among The Teenagers22



Japanese Manga Art


The comic's world is divided into three schools: the American, French-Belgian and Japanese. Out of the three schools, one of art from known as Manga is getting popular in almost all the countries worldwide. In Manga, a single stroke, a clear and dynamic style all together a set of slender figures, resulting in an overall composition that causes an effect of surprise and engage the reader. In fact, this is the ultimate goal of the illustrations of Manga: attract and excite, and it seems to have succeeded. Among other peculiarities of the Manga is the narrative structure of the vignettes that follow the pattern of reading Japanese that is, from right to left, and even more clearly, reading starts at the back. As for the type of publication, also this respect is different from Western comics, as the Manga goes on sale every week while the comic is published monthly in color and larger volumes.

This paper gives an account of Manga which dates back to the middle ages. It identifies the change that it has brought in the U.S comic industry, and the popularity it is gaining among teenagers around the world.

What Is Manga?

Manga is the Japanese word to designate the comic in general. Outside of Japan, it is used exclusively to refer to cartoons Nippon. Tagosaku Tokyo (1902), considered the first Manga, Kitazawa. The Manga covers a wide variety of genres, reaching audiences of many different types and spectra of various ages. It is a very important part of the publishing market in Japan and motivates many adaptations to different formats: animated series, known as Anime or real image, movies, video games and novels. Every week or month new journals are published with deliveries of each series, the style of melodrama, featuring heroes whose adventures sometimes entice readers for years. Since the eighties, it has conquered western markets too (Woods, 59).

Distinguishing Features

Chart reading Manga

Unlike the other two major schools (the Franco-Belgian and American) in the Manga cartoons and pages are read from right to left, as in traditional Japanese writing. The most popular and recognizable style of Manga has other distinctive features; many of them are influenced by Osamu Tezuka, who considered the father of modern Manga (Woods, 62).

The traditional dominance of what is called the mask effect, i.e. the graphical combination of characters cartoon with a realistic environment, is clear in Manga. The Manga is often, drawn more realistically in the form of some of the characters or objects depicting a story usually based on adolescent lives. There is a greater variety of transitions between vignettes in Western comics, with a more substantial presence of the type called "aspect to ...
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