Is It Necessary To Have Universal Ethical Principles?

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Is It Necessary to Have Universal Ethical Principles?

Is It Necessary to Have Universal Ethical Principles?

Thesis Statement

Ethics is the base of every decision but universal ethical codes explain fundamental rules that are universal and cannot be changed at any cost. Somehow it does not fall into critical situations and complex circumstances. This is the irrefutable debate that how universal ethics exists or not and also explains its conflicts that usually occur in daily lives.


Ethics have been following since the birth of humanity but have number of dimensions in it. The term ethics belongs to the Greek word Ethos that means morals. We can define ethics as the reflection of systematic morals. Morality is the chunk of decisions, opinions and actions with which people can show about their right and wrong conceiving. In short terms, thinking ethically is a systematic reflection of good perceptions. Ethics is a search for right manner of morality. We can differentiate two types of ethics, descriptive and normative ethics. The descriptive ethics is regarded with the description of existing morality. Therefore, Descriptive judgments can be true or false whereas normative ethics is a judgmental morality. It is a value judgment that suggests whether something is bad or good. Therefore the brick of ethics is mostly considered on normative ethics. In this paper we talk about universal ethics that highlights its nature and disputes that raises in its application.


Universal ethics is a class of those principles that can be applied to all class, creed of humans, whether they belongs to any religion or secular and free from any particular faith. The collection of universal ethics is not based on particular religion not it talks about liturgical or metaphysical concepts of any kinds. This clears us that it does not provide any description for the surviving universe. It does not reflect any concept of God or any particular sacrament, nor contain any immutable dogmas, myths and fables. The significant part of Universal ethics does not prescribe any usual changes for any future or existing creed.

Ethics is entirely about opting right decision and actions. We should notice that action is carried out by a definite actor with particular intentions. Further on this action moves to firm consequences (Ross, 1930). In the theories of ethics, we can center on the presenting action, the action and after that on their consequences. If we completely rely on actions then we should use deontological ethics. Deontology is an ethical approach that finds rightness and goodness from exploring acts, duties or rules (Olson, 1967). In this type of ethics, actions are morally right and in agreement with norms and moral rules. Few of the theories within deontology are based on one main rule or principle from all the derivation of moral norms. At contrast, multiple theories are grounded on various principles that can be applied as norms. The Kantian theory of Immanual Kant is a developed and the most recognized system of deontological ethics. It should be noticed that a person should place a moral norm ...
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