Is Google Making Us Stupid?

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Is Google making us stupid?

Is Google making us stupid?


The article, “Is Google making us stupid” was written in one of the magazines by Nicholas G. Carr and was published in the month of July, 2008. Carr is an article writer who writes on technology and in this article, Carr being highly critical on the effects that internet puts on human cognition. In this article, Nicholas has raised a broader issue pertaining to the cause and effects of the impact that internet has over our abilities such as thinking, reading and writing. Moreover, Carr addresses the effects that the new technology imposes on our cognition.

Carr's argument gained immense focus from media and it with reaction being polarized. Critiques in a blog, named as “Britannica Blog”, highlighted Carr's argument in the article as being biased. This suggests that an element of favor towards traditional reading is there. In the article, Carr argued internet reading as be shallower as compare to printed books reading. Critics perceived this comment as being biased. Another important point that was raised by Carr was the impact over memory through the usage of internet. In one of the magazines, this point was counter attacked by highlighting that the ultimate responsibility remains with the user to measure the usage and impact. Supporters of this argument believe that every individual's cognition is not similar and so the ultimate responsibility lies with the individuals themselves (Carr, 2008).

Although, a number of critiques are there who are against Carr's arguments, however, there are few studies that provide evidences regarding the changing habits of internet users. It is something that connects with Carr's argument. Although, these studies do not directly justifies Carr's arguments, but the long-term psychological and neurological have started studying and will be able to provide definitive results either in favor or against Carr's argument. Indeed, it is for sure, that internet causes some sort of changing behavior to the brain. This is evident from a study conducted by ULCA in which breadth of brain activity was shown to occur when the users performing internet searches.


The central point that Carr has aimed to make for readers understanding is the adverse effects that the internet might have on human's cognition, which as a result, might affect reduces human's concentration and contemplation capacity. Some observers believe that the name of the article suggests that it intentionally target Google, however, despite of the use of word “Google” in the title, the article discusses the impact of internet. Carr generated this argument in this article, which he expanded in “The Shallows: What Internet is doing to Our Brains”.

The essay is a clear and concise critique of an article by Nicholas Carr; “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” The critique also includes an outline of my own habits and processes for gathering and processing information and an analysis whether is leading to improvements in public sector governance or the source of new problems. The essay concludes with an identification of the greatest challenge arising from the digital ...
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