Is English A Global Language?

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Is English a global language?

Is English a global language?


The English language is different than any other language on earth because of its unique characterstics, the scope of its development and its current mass audience, anticipated through a huge number of print and media campaigns. It is a globally practised language that is established and continually changing at the same time, also helps people to communicate with others when they travel to any country. In the second context, English is a designated official language of a country, even though it is not the first language of most people in the society and few people may speak it well. In these countries, there are often groups of people who speak different and sometimes competing local languages, and English is chosen as a common, neutral language for communication. For example, although many different languages are spoken in Uganda, English is an official language of the nation and one of the most commonly used languages. As English is the language of education and of government, the command of the English language allows a person to obtain a better job, higher socioeconomic status, and prestige.

Discussion and Analysis

Language is one of the key factors in the formation and expression of identity. English language policy could be used to encourage or discourage a certain group identity. For instance, Native Americans who speak “good” English may be viewed more favorably by people in the dominant culture (Wells, 2000). Although the United States, a nation of people with diverse backgrounds, purports to endorse bilingualism and multiculturalism, English is nonetheless the principal language associated with U.S. national identity and is promoted as the common language that connects and unites people with different linguistic and cultural identities. English has become the dominant language of communications, science, business, entertainment, and diplomacy. It spread with the growth of the UK, and then with the growing economic and cultural influence of the United States. USA's status as a global superpower since World War II has significantly accelerated the language's spread across the planet. Some linguists believe that it is no longer the exclusive cultural property of “native speakers”, but is rather a language that is absorbing aspects of cultures worldwide as it continues to grow (Rogoff, 2006).

English is an official language of the United Nations and many other International organizations, including the International Olympic Committee and International Cricket Council. Many multinational companies have English as a common language for communication and there are countries that have English as an official. For example, Zambia, it's a country of 10 million people and has four distinct languages. All these four languages are completely different from each other. So, for the Zambian government to function successfully, they chose English as an official language (language for government and education). Also, you can find a lot of countries where English, being the dominant language, doesn't have an official status. For example, English is not official in Australia.


Some people believe government should protect local language from English, while other ...
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