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What is your opinion of honor codes? What if that code includes the statement that the student will report any instances of cheating that he or she observes?

The first set of rules for a system should begin with an honor code. The words 'honor code' hold great value and respect. In any system the system of honor code, gives the individual the due respect and dignity. It is the motivational approach to encourage a person to follow the right path. The honor codes in an academic system ensure the student to be, or learn to become faithful in his own judgment. The critical word here is 'learn'. The presence of honor system ensures self honesty and instills ethical conduct in any system. It is discovered by the survey that students in the institutions that have honor codes view the problems of integrity in fundamentally different way than those students who are in a non-honor code system institutions (McAbe, Butterfiled, Tevino, 1999)

However, given that the honor code system should exist in a system, its implementation in a real world is a difficult proposition. There are a few issues that exist for the honor code system to work properly. Firstly, the honor code that has been set must have explicit guidelines and must exist without trampling on students liberty and freedom. But on the other hand, it is true that in a real world, relying solely on a set of honors codes cannot be the valid proposal. It is inherent in human nature to find an easily alternatives to situations in life. Keeping this in view, there need to be control measures regulating honor code itself. In academic system, if a student is caught cheating what are the recourse actions to be taken. One should remember that, that honor code exists to give the person an open space so that he may choose the right actions himself. However, if one may stumble over the defined boundaries, then that person should be counseled over the actions and educated firmly but not very strictly.

The methodology of policing must also be defined in an honor based education system. The question arises that whether the student should report the act of cheating by his peers to the authority. The honor code system itself is a system that encourages individual honesty and integrity by giving them open space to operate. These principles are then rendered void, when barriers to their self actions erected. The system where the act of 'snitching' is allowed may create ill feelings amongst peers and may create negative feeling. That is not to say that some form boundaries should not exist. But rather, these powers of catching and punishing should only be the held with the system who is implementing the rules. Do you agree with McCabe that "it takes a village" to educate a student? Does it "take a village" to provide that student with character education, or is that something that the individual or the individual and his or ...
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