Investigating Status And Roles

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Investigating Status and Roles

Investigating Status and Roles


Social role refers to the set of functions defined rights norms and social behaviors and culturally expected that a person (social actor) meets or exercises according to their social status acquired or allocated. In any group, there are members of different status, a senior and other lower-level status and each corresponds to a role, i.e., behavior in the presence of others. Thus, the role is the way a particular status has to be accepted and held by the holder. Some status gives the holder certain immunities to play the role, such as the mentally ill can display behaviors that others cannot. If the individual does not play his role as expected, he may be at risk of punishment. Cultural norms assimilate mainly through training roles (Martin, 2011). For example, a person mastering the role of the military attaches to the customs, moral standards and laws specific to the status of this role. Only a few regulations have been adopted by all members of society, taking most of the rules depends on the status of any individual. What is acceptable for an unaccompanied status is unacceptable for another. Thus, socialization as a learning process in a conventional manner of action and interaction is an important learning process of role behavior, resulting in an individual actually becomes part of society. This paper gives a self reflection of my role and status that I have achieved so far in comparison to another person.


According to my ascribed status I am a 51 year old female and youngest if six kids3 brother s and sisters. My ethnic background is white Caucasian. I achieved this status through my social and ethnic background over which I have no control; however, my achieved status is a high school graduate which came through my social interaction, learning and education. My position as being an enforcement agent for Louisiana Public Service Commission highlights my master status. I believe my master status is positive because I am an honest and hardworking person around my social group of colleagues and friends. I play different roles one that of being a student, one as a volunteer for the elderly, one as an Enforcement Agent, and last but not in the least Casualty Affairs officer for the military.

There are several personality traits which evolved through my ascribed and achieved roles and social interactions. I do not ...
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