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This paper discusses the moral of the letter and speech given by Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. on two different occasions. Martin Luther King was an eminent African-American civil-rights leader who gave different speeches at different occasions for waking up the black people to raise the voice for their civil rights. He ran several movements for protecting the rights of black and was arrested many times for the violation of civil rights act (Wallach, PP 56).


As Martin Luther King was a civil rights movement leader and activist, he had a great thought for Black people to give them a life free of racial segregation, they faced in their society. He not only urged the people and authorities of his time but also made them realize that the racism among black and white people in terms of employment, civil rights and education should come to an end as every individual on this planet has the right to live a life free from restrictions or limitations.

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King, an important and determined African-American civil rights leader with another activist, Ralph Abernathy, were arrested and held at the Birmingham Jefferson County Jail in violation of in state court to stop the civil right protest on April 16, 1963. City Commissioner special agent Connor ordered to put the King and Abernathy in isolation that was called for their own safety. It was a failed attempt to break their spirit since the challenge in isolation strengthens King's determination (King PP 90).

In response to the requirements of civil rights in the same year, eight priests and bishops namely Harmon, Bishop Carpenter Colombian Commission of Jurists; Bishop Murray grams; Bishop Jasmine Durick; and P. Harding, small; Labi Mi Grafman; Edward V. Ramage; and E. Stallings were also arrested in the violation of civil rights act. The king was arrested because of two statements; they were accused of outsider and unwise and untimely protest day stimulus to violence. The clergy considered that the struggle against injustice should have been launched entirely in the courts rather than protesting on the road.

From a lonely and icy cell the King responded to the clergy and wrote the expressive letter of criticism. This letter, though written on the edge of toilet paper was published in newspapers by the article named "smuggling" of the prison, came out to Wyatt T shirt Walker, executive director of small-cell lung cancer, his secretary, Willie Pearl Mackey time of a few, who edited and published its contents later(Corcett PP 45).

Martin Luther King did not want the tension because the it has been the nature of the existence of racism in the south. Moreover, direct action is always in the hearts of those who do not accept it. King's letter was all about to give freedom to the African Americans. Though he admitted that freedom is never voluntarily given up by the tormenter but it must be requested by the demoralized. King of the new political administration has no illusions ...
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